Sunday, June 13, 2021

Mohican State Park - Waterfalls and Covered Bridge

Thousands of wooded acres, rivers, streams, and waterfalls await visitors to the Mohican State Park. You’ll also find Clear Fork Gorge and Pleasant Hill Lake and Dam in the nearby areas.

While there is so much to see in the Mohican Forest, my little post really focuses on how to see both waterfalls and covered bridge the easiest possible way. With that being said the following will hopefully be of some help.

The first thing is to look up on google maps, Pleasant Hill Dam. Once you get to the Pleasant Hill Dam parking lot, you’ll of course then park your car or whatever it is you are driving. Then at the end of this parking lot, you’ll find the beginning of a hiking trail that will lead you to the Little Lyon's Falls, the Big Lyon's Falls, and finally the covered bridge. This path opening will be the first one you see at the end of the parking lot to your right. This path is rugged with lots of uphill and downhill hiking, with land erosion exposing tree roots you’ll have to cross over. It’s a tough way to go if you want to see both waterfalls and the covered bridge. Having done this I’d recommend going the route I describe next.

The route I recommend is much easier, just continue past the first trail opening you see and look for the steps down the side of Pleasant Hill Dam. Once you descend the steps to get to ground level you can continue forward to see the covered bridge. On the opposite side of the bridge, you’ll find a trail that leads you to the Big Lyon's Falls, from there you’ll have to climb some steps uphill to make your way to the Little Lyon's Falls. From here I’d simply go back the way you came. This will eliminate a lot of really rugged hiking, and make for a more pleasant experience. The only bad thing about going this route is you’ll have to climb 160 steps to get back to the top to get to the parking lot. But if you think about it, you are going to have to climb these steps no matter what. All things considered, I’d take this second route I am describing, taking the steps downhill first, it will be the easiest way to see the covered bridge and both waterfalls. 

The best time to go would be the first good day after a hard rain.

This is a great place to have a little vacation. There’s boating, a full-service lodge, a large family campground with a pool, deluxe vacation cabins, and a camping area.

All of this you’ll find in Perrysville Ohio.

Photos were taken by Ying Lu & Keith Simpkins

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