Issues Immigration Executive Order.
Boehner Cries Foul Again!
is what they do:
- Immediate Relief For 4-5 Million From Fear of Deportation.
- New Staffing and Resources at Border.
- Credit Card Payments for Naturalization Fee in 2015.
- *Adjustments to H1-B Specialized Worker Visas. (See Below)
- Spouses of H1-B visas can now get work permits and work legally.
our immigration system is broken, and everybody knows it." -
President Obama
I’m describing is accountability, a common-sense, middle ground
approach. If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows
and get right with the law. If you’re a criminal, you’ll be
deported,” - President Obama

White House considered deferring deportation of the Dreamers’
parents, but Karl R. Thompson from the Office of Legal Counsel in the
Justice Department. says that “the proposed deferred action program
for parents of DACA recipients would not be a permissible exercise of
enforcement discretion.”

President is trying to narrow the group of people who would be
subject to deportation, in what the White House says is an effort to
focus 'enforcement
resources' on
gang members, serious criminals and those who crossed the border
after Jan. 1, 2014.
new changes are long overdue and much needed, but they are not enough
and as President
Obama plainly says, these new executive orders are only temporary and
can change or disappear as soon as Congress/ the house of
misrepresentatives put forth a Bill for him to sign.
real problem and the major obstacle to immigration
reform is 'The Speaker of The House' – John Boehner!
Bill that will certainly pass the Senate is being held up by Boehner.
He won't even allow the House to vote on it. A
bill that is prepared and ready to be voted on.
A Bill that needs a simple yes or no vote from the House to proceed.
This Bill is held
up by Boenher,
while he's out crying foul to the public, spewing lies and
misinformation. He's resorted to childish name-calling and crying
foul over executive orders, proclaiming them as over-reach, stating
that the President has ruined any chance of a bipartisan deal. John
Boehner is a liar! John Boehner is the one to blame for government
inaction, he's the one holding everything up!

time for the worst Congress that ever misrepresented us to get off
their lazy worthless lying asses and pass a bill! And, America needs
a New Speaker of the House, get rid of Boehner! How he ever got this
far in politics is one of those great mysteries of the world that
we'll never understand
to H1-B Specialized Worker Visas.
from the above portion of this article: For more streamlined, and
point of fact specifics
on the new adjustments and changes with regard to the H1-B and other
Visas read the following linked article.
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